Icklesham Village Hall

Latest news and events at Icklesham Memorial Hall

Icklesham Memorial Hall News & Updates

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Local Produce Market - an Icklesham Success Story

The first Icklesham Local Produce Market was held in the Hall on Saturday 9th April  more  

Horticultural Society Spring Show

The 2022 Spring Flower was a blooming success!  more  

Icklesham Pantomime and Drama Society

A village pantomime is now being planned for January 2023  more  

The Big Jubilee Picnic

The Big Jubilee Picnic is coming to Icklesham on Sunday 5th June.  more  

Icklesham Local Produce Market

A new local produce market starting in Village Hall  more  

Icklesham Trust Committee Conditions of Hire